When you start your business, there are a number of basic services you will definitely need from the start. Therefore, most banks offer a basic package for you as a new entrepreneur.
Marginalen Bank offers entrepreneurs financial and administrative services. We help with growth financing such as invoice financing, corporate loans, leasing and installment services.
Svea Bank
Svea offers personalized solutions for your financing – regardless of whether you have a company or are a private individual, we strengthen your financial situation.
Credit rating for start-ups company
When you apply for credit to a start-up company, a credit report is often made at the company. It is very unusual for credit ratings to be particularly high, as credit reporting companies have no history to base their assessment on. As a company, you deserve a high credit rating by consistently making stable and predictable sales and profits and avoiding all types of payment remarks.
Creditsafe credit information
You can take credit information on both companies and individuals. In the case of information on private individuals, however, there needs to be a legitimate need. Before the information can be performed, an approval is required from the person to whom it relates.
Salary Specification
We prepare documentation for the salary run based on a certificate from the responsible manager and make a salary calculation and Salary specifications are sent out to the employee in a GDPR-safe way either through the salary portal or Kivra.
We handle file transfer to the bank, all reporting to authorities and deliver a report package to you as a customer.